Buds Digest 001 / edible moments with…
Shawn Michael Jones
Photographs by JASON RODGERS
Contemporary photog fixture, our Bud SHAWN MICHAEL JONES invites us indoors for a calm, cozy and truly intimate edition of Edible Moments. The Brooklyn-based artist shows us around the place, with thoughtful detail, rolling a joint and contemplating what it takes to finally feel like Margot Robbie…
Music and cannabis are a match. The sensation of hearing music with new ears rivals very few. Working together, the places they can take your mind are otherwise unfathomable, all from the comfort of home. It’s perfect for concerts, sure, but pairs great with a playlist and even better with an old album and a comfortable couch. SHAWN MICHAEL JONES fluffed the pillows and hit play while dragging on some of Buds greenest questions.
What was your worst trip?
One time I ate an edible given to me by a boy who I dated for half a year but who refused to call me his boyfriend, and I threw up donut holes all over our mutual friend’s bathroom. What a time to be alive.
What are your thoughts on THC lube?
Feels passé—add more to it!
Favorite concert?
I got bullied by a fourteen year old and her mom at a Carly Rae Jepsen concert.
Joint or pipes?
Joints cause they make me feel like Margot Robbie’s Sharon Tate.
Gayest album?